Boy with Sailboat

Boy with Sailboat , Transparent Painting (watercolor, inks)
Boy with Sailboat
Boy with a Sailboat is a watercolor portrait featuring a young boy sitting in a room with
indigo walls. Dressed in a dark blue sweater and pants, he clutches a small red sailboat. His gazes eerily at the viewer with an intense melancholy and uncertainty. His face was carefully created for this purpose.

Artist Statement
Boy with a Sailboat is an exploration of profound emotion and uncertainty. Influenced by artist Modigliani, such as a primitive technique and a limited palette I aim to convey dispar in the young subject. The somber room and foreboding night intensifies the emotional impact of the portrait.The boy's peering gaze, combined with dark shades begs the viewer to share in his complex and profound emotional state.

Transparent Painting (watercolor, inks)    12 x 9 x 0.75    $250.00   

Watercolor / Cotton Paper