
Untitled,  Opaque Painting (oil, acrylic, gouache)
Women are the protagonists in my work, which explores themes of gender, identity, and the objectification of the female body. My works depict a fragmented female form that is sublime, confrontational, and empowered in the face of objectification. Hence, it directly rejects society-imposed prejudice against femininity and instead presents an honest depiction of the female form by emphasizing the psychological and emotional intensity of self-awareness through intricate postures, distortion, and fragmentation of the figure. This is deeply connected to the concept of 'Shakti,' the divine feminine power in Hindu philosophy, symbolizing strength, energy, and transformation.
The human body is like a container that holds all lived experiences, leaving their marks. These marks can accumulate in the psychological sphere through society-imposed constrictions, limits, or boundaries on women, such as how they should dress or behave. These expectations of maintaining gender roles can develop feelings of suffocation, leading to a relationship with collective memories and embodied experiences that cannot be erased. My work is an attempt to echo these shared gender-specific experiences.
My process is as important as the outcome. I often incorporate vibrant colors, particularly dominant red hues, symbolizing energy and the expression of powerful emotions. Layering, gestural mark-making, and digging onto the surface are integral parts of my work that reveal the play between the inner self and the physical body after interaction with external forces. I manipulate the surface, colors, and textures to create a harsh and complex ground that suggests the violence (both somatic and psychic) often experienced by women. A variety of staining techniques are utilized for both their formal properties and, more importantly, as indexical suggestions of bodily processes and the residue of implied violence. Leaving stains on the surface represents the enduring effects of memories on the mind.
'Shakti' influences my work by imbuing it with a sense of resilience, transformation, and spiritual energy. This divine feminine power inspires my depiction of women's experiences and challenges, underscoring the strength and vitality inherent in their struggles and triumphs. Through my art, I aim to convey the complexities of these experiences and the enduring power of 'Shakti' within every woman.

Opaque Painting (oil, acrylic, gouache)    24 x 32   

Mixed media on paper