Post Apocalyptic Bracelet

Post Apocalyptic Bracelet,  3-Dimensional Work (including Sculpture, Stone, Metal, Wood, Clay, etc.)
Post Apocalyptic Bracelet
Inspired by post apocalyptic fiction, I imagined what materials might be available, what I would want in a bracelet in that situation, and what imagery "clues" I might want to include. It is made with scraps - as I thought those would be readily available. No precious metals - those would be hard to find. I decided dimensional with some semi-sharp protrusions (for wearing safety - for a real post apocalyptic bracelet these would protrude more and be sharper) for protection and a bit of defense. I imagined visual "shadows" of weapons - not actual weapons but references to them. It says "I am STRONG - don't mess with me!"

3-Dimensional Work (including Sculpture, Stone, Metal, Wood, Clay, etc.)    3 x 3 x 1    $150.00   

Copper and Brass