
Anthropocene , Transparent Painting (watercolor, inks)
The Anthropocene is a mixed media watercolor exploring the devastating impact of human activity on our planet. Stark contrasts of blue, green, and brown depict Earth's ravaged ecosystems. An imposing human profile dominates the canvas, symbolizing humanity's destructive dominance.

Artist Statement:
As a scientist witnessing the impending mass extinction, I've translated my despair into art. The Anthropocene is a visual indictment of our insatiable consumption and disregard for the natural world. The painting's jarring imagery aims to provoke contemplation and evoke a deep sense of remorse. I hope viewers will feel a visceral call to action, urging us to reconsider our relationship with the planet.

Transparent Painting (watercolor, inks)    17.5 x 14.5 x 0.75    $400.00   

Watercolor / Cotton Paper